kate bohdanowicz writer

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All change in 2015

AS we’re eight days into 2015, it’s possibly a little too late to say: ‘Happy New Year’, but still perfectly acceptable for ‘Happy Newish Year’. So Happy Newish Year reader (or readers if my mum is here too).

I didn’t used to like New Year. It was a mixture of enforced jollity, the ensuing hangover and the realisation that my life hadn’t moved on much from the previous 12 months. I always felt I was in the same boring job with the same unfulfilling personal life.

Now things are different. I no longer get drunk on New Year’s Eve so I felt fine the next day and I’m content in my personal life. I’m also happy with my career as a whole but I’m hoping to jig things around this year.

I spent over a decade in a rut, working for the same newspaper and unable to apply for jobs because I was institutionalised and felt utterly unemployable. Now I freelance I feel differently. I’m always wondering what’s round the corner. I apply for roles that pique my interest and take any rejection (or more often than not, lack of acknowledgement) on the chin (well, sort off - it still annoys me to be honest).

I also remind myself that the reason I left a well-paid job and trained as a teacher was to enjoy a varied career combining teaching with journalism. I’m only following my own plan so If I’m not happy with something, it’s up to me to change it.

So, I think 2015 might be another year of change. Some elements of my ‘portfolio’ career I love but others I don’t. I’m not going to spend years in a role I don’t like because it grinds you down and robs you of your confidence.  Been there, done that and not going back again.

Here’s to a great 2015. 

Comments (2)

  1. Wendy:
    Jan 20, 2015 at 03:09 PM

    Nice piece Bohd. You describe the grind of working in an institutionalised rut very well. It is good to see people get out of the mire. We have everything wrong in the world of work.

  2. Kate Bohdanowicz:
    Jan 20, 2015 at 03:32 PM

    Thanks Wendy.

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